Combining Polars and Tidyverse for Python
tidypolars provides functions that match as closely as possible to R’s Tidyverse functions for manipulating data frames and conducting data analysis in Python using the blazingly fast Polars as backend.
Key features
- Fast: Uses Polars as backend for data manipulation. So it inherits many advantages of Polars: fast, parallel, GPU support, etc.
- Tidy: Keeps the data in tidy (rectangular table) format (no multi-indexes)
- Sintax: While Polars is fast, the sintax is not the most intuitive. The package provides frontend methods that matches R’s Tidyverse functions, making it easier for users familiar with that ecosystem to transition to this library.
- Extended functinalities: Polars is extended to facilitate data manipulation and analysis for academic research.
- Research: The package is designed to facilitate academic research, data analysis, and reporting of the results. It provides functions to quickly produce tables using minimal code, and whose output matches the format commonly used in academic publications. Those output formats include LaTeX, Excel, CSV, and others.
Note: Due to the additional functionalities provided by the module, in some use cases tidypolars may operate slightly slower than if using Polars directly. Check the section Performance for details.