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Basic examples

To create new variables based transformation of existing ones:

import tidypolars4sci as tp
from import starwars

df = (starwars
      .head(5) # <= to select onlye the fist 5 for the example
      .select('name', 'mass')
      # create two new variables:
      .mutate(mass2 = tp.col('mass') * 2,
              mass2_squared = tp.col('mass2') * tp.col('mass2'),
shape: (5, 4)
 name               mass    mass2   mass2_squared 
 str                 f64      f64             f64 
 Luke Skywalker    77.00   154.00       23,716.00 
 C-3PO             75.00   150.00       22,500.00 
 R2-D2             32.00    64.00        4,096.00 
 Darth Vader      136.00   272.00       73,984.00 
 Leia Organa       49.00    98.00        9,604.00 

Change type of many variables at once

We can change the types of many variables that match a name pattern

# select some rows and varibles
df = (starwars
      .select("name", "homeworld", "species")
shape: (5, 3)
 name             homeworld   species 
 str              str         str     
 Luke Skywalker   Tatooine    Human   
 C-3PO            Tatooine    Droid   
 R2-D2            Naboo       Droid   
 Darth Vader      Tatooine    Human   
 Leia Organa      Alderaan    Human   
# change to factor (i.e., category) those whose name matches hom|sp
df = df.mutate(tp.across(tp.matches("hom|sp"),  tp.as_factor))
shape: (5, 3)
 name             homeworld   species 
 str              cat         cat     
 Luke Skywalker   Tatooine    Human   
 C-3PO            Tatooine    Droid   
 R2-D2            Naboo       Droid   
 Darth Vader      Tatooine    Human   
 Leia Organa      Alderaan    Human   

Using dynamic variable names

We can use dynamic names to create the new variable:

new_var = "mass2_squared"
df = (starwars
      .head(5) # <= to select onlye the fist 5 for the example
      .select('name', 'mass')
      # create a new variable using dynamic name:
      .mutate(**{new_var : tp.col('mass') **2 })
shape: (5, 3)
 name               mass   mass2_squared 
 str                 f64             f64 
 Luke Skywalker    77.00        5,929.00 
 C-3PO             75.00        5,625.00 
 R2-D2             32.00        1,024.00 
 Darth Vader      136.00       18,496.00 
 Leia Organa       49.00        2,401.00 