This function generates desity plots with the posterior distribution generated by the function hdpGLM
# S3 method for dpGLM
terms = NULL,
separate = FALSE,
hpd = TRUE,
true.beta = NULL,
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
adjust = 1,
ncols = NULL,
only.occupied.clusters = TRUE,
focus.hpd = FALSE,
legend.position = "top",
colour = "grey",
alpha = 0.4,
display.terms = TRUE,
plot.mean = TRUE,
legend.label.true.value = "True",
a dpGLM object with the samples from generated by hdpGLM
string vector with the name of covariates to plot. If NULL
(default), all covariates are plotted.
boolean, if TRUE
the linear coefficients beta
will be displayed in their separate clusters.
boolean, if TRUE
and separate=T
, the 95% HPDI lines will be displayed.
either NULL
(default) or a data.frame
with the true values of the linear coefficients beta
if they are known. The data.frame
must contain a column named k
indicating the cluster of beta
, and a column named Parameter
with the name of the linear coefficients (beta1
, beta2
, ..., beta_dx
, where dx
is the number of covariates at the individual level, and beta1 is the coefficient of the intercept term). It must contain a column named True
with the true value of the betas
string, the title of the plot
string, the subtitle of the plot
the bandwidth used is actually adjust*bw
This makes it easy to specify values like ‘half the default’
integer, the number of columns in the plot
boolean, if TRUE
it shows only the densities of the clusters that actually have data points assigned to it with high probability
boolean, if TRUE
and separate is also TRUE
it will display only the 95% HPDI of the posterior density of the linear coefficients beta
one of four options: "bottom" (default), "top", "left", or "right". It indicates the position of the legend
= string with color to fill the density plot
number between 0 and 1 indicating the degree of transparency of the density
boolean, if TRUE
(default), the covariate name is displayed in the plot
boolean, if TRUE
the posterior mean of every cluster is displayed
a string with the value to display in the legend when the true.beta
is used
# Note: this example is just for illustration. MCMC iterations are very reduced
n = 20
data = tibble::tibble(x1 = rnorm(n, -3),
x2 = rnorm(n, 3),
z = sample(1:3, n, replace=TRUE),
y =I(z==1) * (3 + 4*x1 - x2 + rnorm(n)) +
I(z==2) * (3 + 2*x1 + x2 + rnorm(n)) +
I(z==3) * (3 - 4*x1 - x2 + rnorm(n)) ,
## estimation
mcmc = list(, n.iter=50)
samples = hdpGLM(y ~ x1 + x2, data=data, mcmc=mcmc, n.display=1)
#> Preparing for estimation ...
#> Estimation in progress ...
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 1
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 1
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 1
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000e+00
#> 1.0000e+02
#> [=== ] 3 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 2
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 7
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000
#> 15.0000 20.0000 25.0000 10.0000 20.0000
#> [===== ] 5 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 3
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 7
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 8.0000
#> 10.0000 15.0000 50.0000 10.0000
#> [====== ] 7 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 4
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 5
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 8.0000
#> 10.0000 15.0000 50.0000 10.0000 15.0000
#> [======= ] 9 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 5
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 5
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000
#> 10.0000 15.0000 50.0000 20.0000
#> [========= ] 11 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 6
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 5
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 8.0000
#> 15.0000 15.0000 50.0000 15.0000
#> [========== ] 13 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 7
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 5
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 3.0000 5.0000 8.0000
#> 10.0000 45.0000 20.0000 20.0000
#> [=========== ] 15 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 8
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 6
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000 8.0000
#> 50.0000 10.0000 10.0000 20.0000
#> [============= ] 17 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 9
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 6
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 3.0000 5.0000 6.0000 8.0000
#> 45.0000 15.0000 10.0000 20.0000
#> [============== ] 19 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 10
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 4
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000 8.0000
#> 45.0000 10.0000 20.0000 25.0000
#> [================ ] 21 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 11
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 6
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 3.0000 5.0000 8.0000
#> 40.0000 20.0000 25.0000
#> [================= ] 23 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 12
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 6
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 3.0000 5.0000 7.0000 8.0000
#> 50.0000 20.0000 10.0000 10.0000
#> [================== ] 25 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 13
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 6
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000 8.0000
#> 10.0000 45.0000 15.0000 15.0000 10.0000
#> [==================== ] 27 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 14
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 6
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 3.0000 5.0000
#> 20.0000 45.0000 20.0000
#> [===================== ] 29 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 15
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 5
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 3.0000 5.0000 8.0000
#> 10.0000 50.0000 25.0000 10.0000
#> [====================== ] 31 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 16
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 5
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 5.0000
#> 25.0000 10.0000 50.0000 10.0000
#> [======================== ] 33 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 17
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 4
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 5.0000
#> 25.0000 10.0000 50.0000 15.0000
#> [========================= ] 35 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 18
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 4
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 5.0000
#> 25.0000 15.0000 50.0000 10.0000
#> [=========================== ] 37 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 19
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 5
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 3.0000 5.0000
#> 25.0000 50.0000 15.0000
#> [============================ ] 39 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 20
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 4
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 3.0000 5.0000
#> 25.0000 50.0000 20.0000
#> [============================= ] 41 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 21
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 4
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 5.0000
#> 25.0000 10.0000 50.0000 15.0000
#> [=============================== ] 43 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 22
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 4
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 5.0000
#> 25.0000 10.0000 50.0000 15.0000
#> [================================ ] 45 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 23
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 4
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 5.0000
#> 20.0000 15.0000 50.0000 15.0000
#> [================================= ] 47 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 24
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 5
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000
#> 10.0000 15.0000 50.0000 10.0000 15.0000
#> [=================================== ] 49 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 25
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 5
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000
#> 15.0000 50.0000 15.0000 15.0000
#> [==================================== ] 50 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 26
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 5
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000
#> 15.0000 50.0000 20.0000 10.0000
#> [====================================== ] 52 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 27
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 5
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000
#> 15.0000 45.0000 20.0000 15.0000
#> [======================================= ] 54 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 28
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 6
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000
#> 15.0000 15.0000 30.0000 20.0000 15.0000
#> [======================================== ] 56 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 29
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 5
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000
#> 15.0000 10.0000 35.0000 20.0000 20.0000
#> [========================================== ] 58 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 30
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 5
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000
#> 10.0000 45.0000 20.0000 20.0000
#> [=========================================== ] 60 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 31
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 5
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000
#> 15.0000 15.0000 35.0000 20.0000 15.0000
#> [============================================ ] 62 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 32
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 6
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000
#> 15.0000 25.0000 35.0000 15.0000
#> [============================================== ] 64 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 33
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 7
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 8.0000
#> 15.0000 15.0000 35.0000 15.0000 10.0000
#> [=============================================== ] 66 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 34
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 7
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 6
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000
#> 20.0000 20.0000 25.0000 20.0000 10.0000
#> [================================================= ] 68 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 35
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 8
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 8
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000
#> 15.0000 20.0000 30.0000 15.0000
#> [================================================== ] 70 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 36
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 8
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 7
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000
#> 20.0000 15.0000 30.0000 15.0000 10.0000
#> [=================================================== ] 72 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 37
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 8
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 5
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000
#> 20.0000 10.0000 30.0000 20.0000 20.0000
#> [===================================================== ] 74 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 38
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 8
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 6
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000
#> 20.0000 15.0000 30.0000 20.0000 10.0000
#> [====================================================== ] 76 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 39
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 8
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 6
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000 7.0000
#> 20.0000 30.0000 20.0000 15.0000 10.0000
#> [======================================================= ] 78 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 40
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 8
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 5
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000
#> 15.0000 45.0000 25.0000 10.0000
#> [========================================================= ] 80 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 41
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 8
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 6
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000 6.0000
#> 10.0000 35.0000 20.0000 15.0000 15.0000
#> [========================================================== ] 82 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 42
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 8
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 5
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000
#> 15.0000 50.0000 20.0000 10.0000
#> [============================================================ ] 84 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 43
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 8
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 7
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000 8.0000
#> 10.0000 45.0000 15.0000 10.0000 10.0000
#> [============================================================= ] 86 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 44
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 8
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 7
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000
#> 15.0000 45.0000 15.0000 10.0000
#> [============================================================== ] 88 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 45
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 8
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 4
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000
#> 20.0000 50.0000 25.0000
#> [================================================================ ] 90 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 46
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 8
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 6
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000
#> 15.0000 50.0000 20.0000
#> [================================================================= ] 92 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 47
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 8
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 4
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000
#> 25.0000 50.0000 20.0000
#> [================================================================== ] 94 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 48
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 8
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 3
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000
#> 25.0000 50.0000 25.0000
#> [==================================================================== ] 96 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 49
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 8
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 5
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000
#> 10.0000 25.0000 40.0000 20.0000
#> [===================================================================== ] 98 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 50
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 8
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 5
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000
#> 20.0000 50.0000 20.0000
#> [=======================================================================] 100 %
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC samples: 50
#> Iteration: 51
#> Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K): 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated : 8
#> Current Number of Active Clusters : 5
#> Percentage of data classified in each cluster k at current iteraction (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 6.0000
#> 15.0000 50.0000 20.0000 10.0000
#> [=======================================================================] 100 %
#> Generating plot...