Generic function to plot the posterior density estimation produced by the function hdpGLM

# S3 method for hdpGLM
  terms = NULL,
  j.label = NULL,
  j.idx = NULL,
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  true.beta = NULL,
  ncol = NULL,
  legend.position = "bottom",
  display.terms = TRUE, = NULL,
  ylab = NULL,
  xlab = NULL,
  x.axis.size = 1.1,
  y.axis.size = 1.1,
  title.size = 1.2,
  panel.title.size = 1.5,
  legend.size = 1.1,
  rel.height = 0.01,
  fill.col = "#00000044",
  border.col = "white",



an object of the class hdpGLM generted by the function hdpGLM


string vector with the name of the individual-level covariates to plot. If NULL (default), all covariates are plotted.


string vector with the names of the contexts to plot. An alternative is to use the context indexes with the parameter j.idx instead of the context labels. If NULL (default) and j.idx is also NULL, the posterior distribution of all contexts are plotted. Note: if contexts to plot are selected using j.label, the parameter must also be provided.


integer vector with the index of the contexts to plot. An alternative is to use the context labels with the parameter j.label instead of the indexes. If NULL (default) and j.label is also NULL, the posterior distribution of all contexts are plotted


string, the title of the plot


string, the subtitle of the plot


a data.frame with the true values of the linear coefficients beta if they are known. The data.frame must contain a column named j with the index of the context associated with that particular linear coefficient beta. It must match the indexes used in the data set for each context. Another column named k must be provided, indicating the cluster of beta, and a column named Parameter with the name of the linear coefficients (beta1, beta2, ..., beta_dx, where dx is the number of covariates at the individual level, and beta1 is the coefficient of the intercept term). It must contain a column named True with the true value of the betas. Finally, the data.frame must contain columns with the context-level covariates as used in the estimation of the hdpGLM function (see Details below).


interger, the number of columns in the plot


one of four options: "bottom" (default), "top", "left", or "right". It indicates the position of the legend


boolean, if TRUE (default), the covariate name is displayed in the plot

string with the name of the column containing the labels identifying the contexts. This variable should have been specified when the estimation was conducted using the function hdpGLM.


string, the label of the y-axis


string, the label of the x-axis


numeric, the relative size of the label in the x-axis


numeric, the relative size of the label in the y-axis


numeric, the relative size of the title of the plot


numeric, the relative size of the titles in the panel of the plot


numeric, the relative size of the legend


see ggridges::geom_density_ridges


string with the color of the densities


string with the color of the border of the densities


Additional arguments accepted are:

true.beta: a data.frame with the true values of the linear coefficients beta if they are known. The data.frame must contain a column named j with the index of the context associated with that particular linear coefficient beta. It must match the indexes used in the data set for each context. Another column named k must be provided, indicating the cluster of beta, and a column named Parameter with the name of the linear coefficients (beta1, beta2, ..., beta_dx, where dx is the number of covariates at the individual level, and beta1 is the coefficient of the intercept term). It must contain a column named True with the true value of the betas. Finally, the data.frame must contain columns with the context-level covariates as used in the estimation of the hdpGLM function (see Details below).

true.tau: a data.frame with four columns. The first must be named w and it indicates the index of each context-level covariate, starting with 0 for the intercept term. The second column named beta must contain the indexes of the betas of individual-level covariates, starting with 0 for the intercept term. The third column named Parameter must be named tau<w><beta>, where w and beta must be the actual values displayed in the columns w and beta. Finally, it must have a column named True with the true value of the parameter.