Function to plot posterior distribution of tau

  X = NULL,
  W = NULL,
  title = NULL,
  true.tau = NULL,
  show.all.taus = FALSE,
  show.all.betas = FALSE,
  ncol = NULL,
  legend.position = "top",
  x.axis.size = 1.1,
  y.axis.size = 1.1,
  title.size = 1.2,
  panel.title.size = 1.4,
  legend.size = 1,
  xlab = NULL



an output of the function hdpGLM


a string vector with the name of the first-level covariates whose associated tau should be displayed


a string vector with the name of the context-level covariate(s) whose linear effect will be displayed. If NULL, the linear effect tau of all context-level covariates are displayed. Note: the context-level covariate must have been included in the estimation of the model.


string, title of the plot


a data.frame with four columns. The first must be named w and it indicates the index of each context-level covariate, starting with 0 for the intercept term. The second column named beta must contain the indexes of the betas of individual-level covariates, starting with 0 for the intercept term. The third column named Parameter must be named tau<w><beta>, where w and beta must be the actual values displayed in the columns w and beta. Finally, it must have a column named True with the true value of the parameter.


boolean, if FALSE (default) the posterior distribution of taus representing the intercept of the expectation of beta are omitted


boolean, if FALSE (default) the taus affecting only the intercept terms of the outcome variable are omitted


number of columns of the grid. If NULL, one column is used


one of four options: "bottom" (default), "top", "left", or "right". It indicates the position of the legend


numeric, the relative size of the label in the x-axis


numeric, the relative size of the label in the y-axis


numeric, the relative size of the title of the plot


numeric, the relative size of the titles in the panel of the plot


numeric, the relative size of the legend


string, the label of the x-axis



# Note: this example is just for illustration. MCMC iterations are very reduced
n = 20
data.context1 = tibble::tibble(x1 = rnorm(n, -3),
                                   x2 = rnorm(n,  3),
                                   z  = sample(1:3, n, replace=TRUE),
                                   y  =I(z==1) * (3 + 4*x1 - x2 + rnorm(n)) +
                                       I(z==2) * (3 + 2*x1 + x2 + rnorm(n)) +
                                       I(z==3) * (3 - 4*x1 - x2 + rnorm(n)) ,
                                   w = 20
data.context2 = tibble::tibble(x1 = rnorm(n, -3),
                                   x2 = rnorm(n,  3),
                                   z  = sample(1:2, n, replace=TRUE),
                                   y  =I(z==1) * (1 + 3*x1 - 2*x2 + rnorm(n)) +
                                       I(z==2) * (1 - 2*x1 +   x2 + rnorm(n)),
                                   w = 10
data = data.context1 %>%

## estimation
mcmc    = list(, n.iter=50)
samples = hdpGLM(y ~ x1 + x2, y ~ w, data=data, mcmc=mcmc, n.display=1)
#> Preparing for estimation ...
#> Estimation in progress ...
#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 1
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 1
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>    1.0000e+00
#>    1.0000e+02
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000
#>    95.0000
#> [===                                                                    ] 3 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 2
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 2
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 2
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000
#>    25.0000   75.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000    4.0000
#>    10.0000   55.0000   35.0000
#> [=====                                                                  ] 5 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 3
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 4
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 4
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000    3.0000    5.0000
#>    15.0000   10.0000   40.0000   35.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    2.0000    3.0000    4.0000    7.0000
#>    10.0000   30.0000   30.0000   10.0000   15.0000
#> [======                                                                 ] 7 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 4
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 6
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 6
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     2.0000    4.0000    5.0000    7.0000
#>    10.0000   35.0000   10.0000   35.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     3.0000    4.0000    5.0000    7.0000
#>    35.0000   15.0000   20.0000   15.0000
#> [=======                                                                ] 9 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 5
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 8
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 8
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    3.0000    4.0000    5.0000    6.0000
#>    10.0000   35.0000   10.0000   10.0000   20.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     3.0000    7.0000
#>    50.0000   40.0000
#> [=========                                                              ] 11 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 6
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 9
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     2.0000    3.0000    5.0000    6.0000    7.0000    8.0000
#>    15.0000   10.0000   10.0000   15.0000   10.0000   25.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     3.0000    7.0000
#>    50.0000   40.0000
#> [==========                                                             ] 13 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 7
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 8
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     2.0000    3.0000    4.0000    5.0000    6.0000   11.0000
#>    20.0000   10.0000   15.0000   15.0000   20.0000   10.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     3.0000    7.0000
#>    50.0000   40.0000
#> [===========                                                            ] 15 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 8
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 7
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000    4.0000    5.0000    6.0000
#>    15.0000   10.0000   15.0000   25.0000   25.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     3.0000    7.0000
#>    50.0000   45.0000
#> [=============                                                          ] 17 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 9
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 8
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     2.0000    4.0000    5.0000    6.0000
#>    10.0000   20.0000   10.0000   40.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     3.0000    7.0000
#>    50.0000   45.0000
#> [==============                                                         ] 19 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 10
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 9
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     2.0000    4.0000    5.0000    6.0000
#>    15.0000   15.0000   10.0000   35.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     3.0000    7.0000
#>    50.0000   40.0000
#> [================                                                       ] 21 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 11
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 8
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    4.0000    6.0000    7.0000   10.0000
#>    15.0000   15.0000   35.0000   10.0000   10.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     3.0000    7.0000
#>    50.0000   50.0000
#> [=================                                                      ] 23 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 12
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 8
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     4.0000    6.0000    7.0000    9.0000
#>    15.0000   40.0000   15.0000   10.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     3.0000    7.0000
#>    50.0000   50.0000
#> [==================                                                     ] 25 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 13
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 8
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    4.0000    6.0000    7.0000
#>    10.0000   15.0000   45.0000   10.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     3.0000    7.0000
#>    50.0000   50.0000
#> [====================                                                   ] 27 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 14
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 8
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    3.0000    4.0000    6.0000    7.0000
#>    10.0000   10.0000   15.0000   40.0000   10.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     3.0000    7.0000
#>    45.0000   45.0000
#> [=====================                                                  ] 29 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 15
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 5
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    3.0000    4.0000    6.0000
#>    20.0000   10.0000   15.0000   50.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     3.0000    7.0000
#>    50.0000   45.0000
#> [======================                                                 ] 31 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 16
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 6
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    4.0000    6.0000
#>    20.0000   15.0000   50.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     3.0000    7.0000
#>    50.0000   45.0000
#> [========================                                               ] 33 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 17
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 6
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    3.0000    4.0000    5.0000    6.0000
#>    10.0000   10.0000   10.0000   15.0000   50.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000    7.0000
#>    10.0000   50.0000   40.0000
#> [=========================                                              ] 35 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 18
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 6
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000    3.0000    6.0000
#>    10.0000   20.0000   10.0000   50.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000    7.0000
#>    10.0000   50.0000   40.0000
#> [===========================                                            ] 37 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 19
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 7
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000    3.0000    6.0000    7.0000
#>    10.0000   15.0000   10.0000   45.0000   10.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000    6.0000    7.0000
#>    10.0000   50.0000   10.0000   30.0000
#> [============================                                           ] 39 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 20
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 7
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000    5.0000    6.0000
#>    15.0000   10.0000   15.0000   45.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000    7.0000
#>    10.0000   50.0000   35.0000
#> [=============================                                          ] 41 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 21
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 6
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000    4.0000    6.0000
#>    20.0000   10.0000   10.0000   50.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000    7.0000
#>    10.0000   45.0000   40.0000
#> [===============================                                        ] 43 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 22
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 6
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000    6.0000
#>    20.0000   15.0000   50.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000    7.0000
#>    10.0000   50.0000   40.0000
#> [================================                                       ] 45 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 23
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 5
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000    3.0000    6.0000
#>    25.0000   10.0000   10.0000   50.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000    7.0000
#>    15.0000   50.0000   35.0000
#> [=================================                                      ] 47 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 24
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 5
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000    3.0000    4.0000    6.0000
#>    20.0000   10.0000   10.0000   10.0000   50.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000    7.0000
#>    15.0000   50.0000   35.0000
#> [===================================                                    ] 49 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 25
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 5
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    3.0000    6.0000
#>    25.0000   15.0000   50.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000    7.0000
#>    25.0000   40.0000   25.0000
#> [====================================                                   ] 50 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 26
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 4
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000    3.0000    6.0000
#>    25.0000   10.0000   15.0000   50.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000    7.0000
#>    35.0000   45.0000   15.0000
#> [======================================                                 ] 52 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 27
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 4
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000    3.0000    6.0000
#>    25.0000   10.0000   15.0000   50.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000
#>    45.0000   45.0000
#> [=======================================                                ] 54 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 28
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 6
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    3.0000    4.0000    6.0000
#>    20.0000   15.0000   10.0000   45.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000
#>    50.0000   50.0000
#> [========================================                               ] 56 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 29
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 6
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000    3.0000    6.0000
#>    20.0000   10.0000   10.0000   50.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000
#>    45.0000   50.0000
#> [==========================================                             ] 58 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 30
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 6
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000    3.0000    6.0000
#>    15.0000   10.0000   15.0000   50.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000
#>    50.0000   50.0000
#> [===========================================                            ] 60 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 31
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 5
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    3.0000    6.0000
#>    25.0000   15.0000   50.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000
#>    50.0000   50.0000
#> [============================================                           ] 62 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 32
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 5
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    3.0000    6.0000
#>    20.0000   20.0000   50.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000
#>    50.0000   50.0000
#> [==============================================                         ] 64 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 33
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 6
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    3.0000    6.0000
#>    15.0000   20.0000   50.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000
#>    50.0000   50.0000
#> [===============================================                        ] 66 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 34
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 4
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    3.0000    6.0000
#>    25.0000   20.0000   50.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000
#>    50.0000   45.0000
#> [=================================================                      ] 68 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 35
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 4
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    3.0000    6.0000
#>    25.0000   25.0000   45.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000
#>    50.0000   50.0000
#> [==================================================                     ] 70 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 36
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 4
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    3.0000    6.0000
#>    25.0000   25.0000   45.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000
#>    45.0000   50.0000
#> [===================================================                    ] 72 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 37
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 5
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    3.0000    6.0000
#>    20.0000   25.0000   45.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    2.0000    3.0000
#>    40.0000   10.0000   50.0000
#> [=====================================================                  ] 74 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 38
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 4
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    3.0000    5.0000    6.0000
#>    20.0000   30.0000   10.0000   40.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000
#>    50.0000   50.0000
#> [======================================================                 ] 76 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 39
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 5
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000    3.0000    6.0000
#>    20.0000   10.0000   25.0000   40.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000
#>    50.0000   50.0000
#> [=======================================================                ] 78 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 40
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 7
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000    3.0000    4.0000    6.0000
#>    10.0000   20.0000   15.0000   15.0000   30.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000
#>    45.0000   50.0000
#> [=========================================================              ] 80 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 41
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 5
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000    3.0000    4.0000
#>    15.0000   45.0000   20.0000   15.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000
#>    50.0000   50.0000
#> [==========================================================             ] 82 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 42
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 6
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000    3.0000    4.0000    6.0000
#>    15.0000   35.0000   20.0000   15.0000   10.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    2.0000    3.0000
#>    45.0000   10.0000   45.0000
#> [============================================================           ] 84 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 43
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 6
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000    3.0000    4.0000
#>    15.0000   40.0000   20.0000   15.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000
#>    50.0000   50.0000
#> [=============================================================          ] 86 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 44
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 6
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000    3.0000    4.0000
#>    10.0000   45.0000   20.0000   15.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000
#>    50.0000   50.0000
#> [==============================================================         ] 88 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 45
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 4
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000    3.0000    4.0000
#>    10.0000   50.0000   20.0000   20.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000
#>    50.0000   50.0000
#> [================================================================       ] 90 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 46
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 4
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000    3.0000    4.0000
#>    15.0000   50.0000   20.0000   15.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000
#>    50.0000   45.0000
#> [=================================================================      ] 92 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 47
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 4
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000    3.0000    4.0000
#>    10.0000   50.0000   20.0000   20.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000
#>    50.0000   50.0000
#> [==================================================================     ] 94 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 48
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 4
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000    3.0000    4.0000
#>    15.0000   50.0000   25.0000   10.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000
#>    45.0000   50.0000
#> [====================================================================   ] 96 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 49
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 4
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000    3.0000
#>    25.0000   50.0000   20.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000
#>    50.0000   50.0000
#> [=====================================================================  ] 98 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 50
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 4
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000    3.0000
#>    20.0000   50.0000   25.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000
#>    50.0000   50.0000
#> [=======================================================================] 100 %

#> -----------------------------------------------------
#> MCMC in progress ....
#> Family of the distribution of the outcome variable of the mixture components: gaussian
#> Burn-in: 1
#> Number of MCMC Iterations : 50
#> Iteration: 51
#> Acceptance Rate for beta         : 1
#> Average Acceptance Rate for beta : 1
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Allowed (K)                      : 100
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Activated Among All Contexts     : 9
#> Maximum Number of Clusters Active in the Current Iteration : 4
#> (displaying only clusters with more than 5% of the data)
#> Clusters in Context 1
#>     1.0000    2.0000    3.0000
#>    25.0000   50.0000   20.0000
#> Clusters in Context 2
#>     1.0000    3.0000
#>    45.0000   50.0000
#> [=======================================================================] 100 %


plot_tau(samples, ncol=2)

plot_tau(samples, X='x1', W='w')

plot_tau(samples, show.all.taus=TRUE, show.all.betas=TRUE, ncol=2)